Welcome to Have Your Say
The CMG Staff Suggestion Scheme was introduced to give every employee the opportunity to contribute to the success of the group. It provides a recognised channel through which staff may submit their original ideas.
All suggestions made should link where possible to our underpinning vision, mission and values with a view to making improvements in any area of the organisation.
All CMG employees are welcome to submit suggestions through Have Your Say which will then be considered by the Employee Forum, EDI Steering Group and/or the Senior Management Team.
Guidelines on suggestions;
Suggestions will be eligible for consideration if they are original ideas that may improve any aspect of CMG’s activities.
These may include suggestions that:
- Improve effectiveness, efficiency and/or performance
- Prevent accidents by improving safety precautions
- Improve the physical environment taking consideration of environmental impact
- Enhance customer service and satisfaction levels
- Include ideas, suggestions and the role you might play in furthering the EDI agenda
Suggestions should not just point out an issue, but importantly identify a solution.
Staff should consider the pros and cons of their suggestion, costs and resource implications before submission.
If the suggestion made is about the individual(s) own role and forms part of the normal work routine ideas/suggestions, or relates to a complaint or grievance it should be raised through the line manager or HR and not this scheme.
Suggestions can be submitted at any time, on the standard suggestion form. The form is available via our website.
Individuals or teams can submit as many suggestions as they like, but each must be on a separate suggestion form.
If a team are submitting a suggestion, one person should be nominated as the main contact.
The initial evaluation of suggestions by CMG will include a discussion at the upcoming, quarterly Employee Forum meeting. The forum members will then vote on whether it should be considered for implementation by the SMT.
Suggestions received will be moderated to ensure there is no duplication of something that has already been suggested or implemented through the scheme
The staff member(s) who submitted the suggestion will be advised by HR of the forum meeting date at which their suggestion will be considered. After which they will receive an outcome via email confirming the forum’s decision within 5 working days of that meeting. The possible outcomes at this stage are:
- The suggestion has been evaluated, considered suitable for implementation and passed to SMT for approval.
- The suggestion has been placed on hold and will be carried forward for future consideration pending (a) strengthening of the initial suggestion by the member(s) of staff concerned or (b) further discussion/ feedback assessment from the department/area.
- The suggestion has been evaluated, but has not been considered suitable for implementation with a summary as to the rationale behind this decision. If the suggestion has not been approved due to feasibility/affordability issues then it may be acknowledged as ‘highly commended’.
The SMT will make the final evaluation and decision in terms of implementation of any suggestions. This assessment should be measured against the individuals’ original submission (as noted on their Staff Suggestion Scheme form) as to how their suggestion would have an impact.
The individual or team will receive notification if their suggestion is implemented, they will be recognised via Workplace and kept updated on progress as necessary.
Originators of unsuccessful suggestions will be notified to that effect, detailing the reasons why the suggestion was not taken forward.
Where an employee’s suggestion leads to a tangible benefit for the Company in terms of efficiency, productivity or profitability, the employee/team who provided the suggestion may, at the discretion of the Senior Management Team, be given a relevant, proportionate reward.
Contact Information;
Any queries or comments regarding the Suggestion Scheme should be directed to the following in the first instance: [email protected]